Getting Started

EvolutionaryModelDiscovery (EMD for short) follows the following workflow:

  1. Indentify and Tag EMD entry point (decision rule to be evolved).
  2. Identify and tag your hypothesized factors
  3. Intialize EMD run
  4. Evolve model
  5. Run and visualize Factor importance statistics (WIP)

1. Tag the EMD Entry Point

First the Behavior Rule of interest, to be evolved and evaluated must be tagged from within the NetLogo model. Typically this is a line of code in the NetLogo model, of which the right hand side is udetermined.

The line of code can be tagged using EMD annotations. The line of code must be sperated with a new line into its determined and undetermined components. A NetLogo comment containing EMD Annotations must then be instered between these components. In particular, the @EvolveNextLine annotation must be used to indicate that the undetermined portion of the NetLogo instruction is to be evolved and evaluated.

The example below illustrates this process. Say, for instance, how the agent variable utility, at line 120 of the following program, was set was undetermined.

Line 120 would then have to be seperated into its determined and undetermined components with a new line. Between these two lines of code (effectively a single NetLogo instruction) we insert our EMD annotations via a NetLogo comment.

The inserted comment (line 121) containts three EMD annotations:

  • @EMD, which indicates that this is a series of EvolutionaryModelDiscovery annotations,
  • @EvolveNextLine, which indicatese that the next line of code is to be evolved, and
  • @return-type=*<return-type>*, which specifies the expected final (custom) return type of the code to be evolved in the next line.

2. Tag Your Factors

EMD Factors are implemented as NetLogo procedures. EvolutionaryModelDiscovery recognizes Factors through the @Factor annotation (See :ref`Annotations` for full description).

By default, EvolutionaryModelDiscovery assumes that your Factors are defined on the model file itself. Instead, you may specify them on a seperated .nls file/s of your choice. In this case you will have to specify the @factors-file=*<factors-file-path>* annotation, providing the path to the .nls file containing the Factor specification.

At least one Factor must be tagged with the return type specified at the EMD entry point.

For the above example, we could, for instance define some Factors as shown below:

By looking at the above example Factors, the genetic program can produce syntax trees of depth 2.

3. Initialize EvolutionaryModelDiscovery

Once the NetLogo model has been tagged with Annotations marking the EMD entry point and Factors, EvolutionaryModelDiscovery can now be initialized from Python code.

In order to initialize an EvolutionaryModelDiscovery run, the following information regarding the model and simulations need to be provided:

  • The model path: The location of the .nlogo file containing the NetLogo to be evolved and evaluated.
  • NetLogo setup commands: These commands are run during the setup of the model
  • NetLogo measurement reporters: These are used to collect statistics from each simulation run and are returned to the objective function to be used by the user.
  • Number of ticks to run the simulations for.

With this information, an EvolutionaryModelDiscovery run can be initialized as follows:

# Import EvolutionaryModelDiscovery
from EvolutionaryModelDiscovery import EvolutionaryModelDiscovery
# Provide the model path
modelPath = "SimpleSchellingTwoSubgroups_HatnaAdaption.nlogo"
# List the setup commands. In this case we just execute the model's setup procedure
setup = ['setup']
# Provide measurement reporters to evaluate the simulations. In this simple example, we're measuring ticks and number of agents
measurements = ["ticks", "count turtles"]
# Specify how many ticks you want to run each simulation for.
ticks = 100
# Use the above information to initialize EvolutionaryModelDiscovery
emd = EvolutionaryModelDiscovery(modelPath,setup, measurements, ticks)

An EvolutionaryModelDiscovery object has now been created with a DEAP primitive set corresponding to the @Factor annotations you provided to the model.

4. Evolve Your Model

Once steps 1 to 3 are completed, the model is ready to be evolved. But first we need to define the objective function.

EvolutionaryModelDiscovery requires a callback function to be defined as the objective function. This function should be defined with a single parameter. When EvolutionaryModelDiscovery is run, this parameter will receive a Pandas dataframe with the simulation results. The number columns of this dataframe will be equal to the number of measurement commands EvolutionaryModelDiscovery was initialized with, and will be ordered in the order the commands were specified. The objective function should return a float or int that signifies the measured fitness of the simulation run.

For instance, for the above example:

# Objective function for the simulation runs
# The function has a single parameter results, to which the Pandas dataframe with the results for the measurement commands for each simulation tick are reported in order.
def averageNumberOfAgents(results):
   # Return the mean number of agents per tick of the simulation run.
   return results.mean()[0]
# Set the objective function

Additionally, we can set hyperparameters of the genetic program. For example:


The model can then be evolved using the evolve() command. NOTE: due to how parallelization works in Python, this function MUST be included in the if __name__ == '__main__': directive to ensure that multiple EvolutionaryModelDiscovery runs are not triggered upon parallelization.

if __name__ == '__main__':


Parallelization has been paused on the latest version due to compatibility with Windows and will be reintroduced soon!